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The XXIV Week of the Italian Language will be officially opened on 8 October 2024 by the Hon. Vice-President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani.  It will be possible to follow the event live on YouTube on 8 October, at 15:30 (Cypriot time) by connecting to:


Regarding the events scheduled in Cyprus, the Embassy of Italy in Nicosia is pleased to share the attached calendar of activities, organized in collaboration with the University of Cyprus, the St. Mary Schools of Limassol and the Holy Land of Nicosia and the local Committee of the Dante Alighieri.


>>12 October 2024, 8:30 pm at the Axiotheas Mansion of the University of Cyprus, in collaboration with the Michalis Pieris Cultural Centre of the University: concert by the Foundàna Ensemble, by the title “Between East and West”. The cultural encounter between Venice and the Hellenic area was sometimes expressed through the diffusion of madrigals, that used a literary Italian, in some cases integrated by Greek poetic texts, which gave rise to Hellenic Petrarchism.

Free admission, with reservation by phone, at the number: 22894531 or by e-mail at:

>>13 October 2024, 6-8 pm, Axiothea Conference Hall, University of Cyprus, in collaboration with the Michaelis Pieris Cultural Center of the University. Conversation and Round Table: “Giandomenico Martoretta’s book of madrigals: a musical and literary journey between Italy and Cyprus”. In Italian and simultaneous translation into Greek.

Relators: Amedeo Fera, Simona Gatto, Eleonora Aleotti, Gerasimos Papadopoulos, Carlo Cresci, Olesia Fedina Metaxa.

The debate will be moderated by Prof. Gaia Zaccagni of UCY who will also ensure simultaneous translation from Italian to Greek (free admission)


>St. Mary’s School in Limassol will present a “Book Trailer”, based on the novel “The Betrothed” by Alessandro Manzoni, made by students in Italian language, with the purpose to present the content of the work and its protagonists through a video.


>The Terra Santa College of Nicosia will present a collection of videos, created by the students of the High School, inspired by the best-known works of Luigi Pirandello and Carlo Collodi: “The Late Mattia Pascal” and “Pinocchio”. The videos will be disseminated through the school’s social channels.


>The Dante Alighieri Committee of Cyprus will present the novel ”Aphrodite in flames” by the writer Lina Ellina, translated by Guglielmo Brusco, and self-published. The presentation will take place on 6 October 2024 at 18.00 at the Indigo Hotel, Adonidos 12-13, in Larnaca.