Federica Ferrari Bravo
Ambassador of Italy in Cyprus
Federica Ferrari Bravo was born in Naples in 1966. She graduated in Political Sciences from the University of Rome and began her diplomatic career in 1992 at the Directorate‑General for Economic Affairs of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
In 1996, she is transferred to the Embassy of Italy in Teheran as First Secretary for political affairs; in 2000, she moved to the Italian Embassy in Lisbon, as a First Secretary for commercial and consular affairs and later as Counsellor. Upon returning to the MFA in 2003, she is assigned at the Directorate‑General for the Middle East – Department for the Gulf Countries, Iran and Iraq. In 2005, she was appointed Director for Middle East and Balkans countries of the Directorate‑General for Developing Cooperation.
From 2007 to 2014, she has been seconded at the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Italy, Office for Diplomatic Affairs. In September 2014, she started her mission as Consul General in Istanbul.
Minister Plenipotentiary since 2016, upon returning to Rome in 2018 she was assigned at the Directorate‑General for the European Union as Coordinator for the relationships with Turkey. In 2019, she became coordinator for the Italian Presidency of the Central European Initiative.
Diplomatic advisor to the Minister for University and Research in 2020, she returned to the MFA in 2021 due to the change of Government, becoming Inspector of the Ministry.
Ambassador of Italy in Cyprus from January 10th 2022.
Commendatore of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic since 2013.